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Clothing with a Conscience...

Khmer Aspara dollsReceived a shipment from AFESIP Fair Fashion, a factory that employs 13 ladies who were rescued from the human trafficking sex trade. AFESIP provides an 18 month sewing training course for these lovely girls, then a steady job with great working conditions.  Goodbye humiliating, very dangerous old life, hello self-esteem and dignity!

Spanish Collar shawlAFESIP Fair Fashion make some lovely products, like this beautiful silk shawl.  Also bought some lovely dolls styled after Khmer Apsara dancers.  Please buy one at the Clothesline store - proceeds go towards my next order from AFF. 

Sewn in beautiful Fair Trade silks, the story behind these clothes  and toys makes them extra special!  Please keep an eye on the Clothesline store - clothing items will be available to order soon!

Reader Comments (1)

Feels like watching FTV channel. I don't know if I saw this outfit on FTV so simple but really catch my attention; love the way it made, cute design.

Men belt @suitauthority.com

Oct 28, 2011 at 11:46 | Unregistered CommenterMargie

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